Day Nine - Saturday 26th Feb 2011

what is this strange food....
 Not so into the food today, but as usual very excited to be in the highchair. Perhaps I should give him time in the highchair without food.... or maybe that would confuse him!?

Grandma & Grandad were here today for foodtime, it was cool for them to see Ollie in his highchair with real food. Tried to give him a banana today, but he was too rough with it, and it and it broke up, so it didn't have a "handle" anynore (handle = skin left on at the bottom). He did get the banana in his mouth briefly, but no munching that I saw. Will definitely try banana again though. He had nectarine though, and did suck on that for a wee while (skin left on as a handle!)

Toast was surprisingly not a huge favourite today (but still probably more than anything else) - again I think he was a little distracted. Gave Ollie a spoon to play with, with mashed avocado on it, he quite liked it as I think it has the same attraction as toast but doesn't get soggy! Only downside is the scoop bit of the spoon is long (designed for puree feeding!) so he kept gagging on it as he shoved it too far into his mouth.

notice - toast still firmly held in his left hand...

I have made hummus and pate (I cannot begin to describe how gross it was making the pate!!) so I will introduce those this week and plus some other "real" food that I can eat with him! Will post recipes at some stage.

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