Day One - Thursday 17th Feb 2011- 2:30pm
Food is fun, til you're one! That seems to be the motto of baby led purists and I can see why. Today was our first day of "real" food! On the menu was orange kumara (steamed), and a wee bit of avocado. I don't know that Ollie actually ingested anything, but he had a LOT of fun smooshing (and banging on his highchair!). Ollie normally puts things to his mouth very quickly, but he didn't seem to be in the mood to at food time. I think this was partly because I made the kumara too soft and it squished when he tried to pick it up. (Or it could have been his superbaby strength?). He did seem to suck a little off his/my fingers towards the end, and pulled a funny face (camera too slow to capture) but not his "sour" face that he gets when it is something that he doesn't like! I then saw some sucky/tongue actions... so maybe it was swallowed! By the end, his hands were coated and he had a bit of a food moustache. He was VERY VERY happy the whole time, and thought it was hilarious when I washed his hands with a flannel at the end. I also spoke to our contact at the university today, who gave me a few tips!
Things I learnt/need to do:
* Buy a tarp to go under highchair (to protect carpet and allow food retreival)
* Cook kumara a little less to give him a better grip
* Try crusty toast with spread - better handle
* Make some pate and hummus
* buy some kind of sippy cup so Ollie can experiment with water
Rock on tomorrow!
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