So it seems I lost a few days! Whoopsie. No surprise really, I tend to get a bit slack. Have tagged some things we've been eating, but not everything. I should probably write stuff down so I remember it if I'm late posting! I think it will be really interesting (for me, if no one else) to look back on this and see how Ollie's eating evolved.
Things are going well, I've had a few moments of "ohmygosh Ollie isn't eating enough". Mainly when I see other babies eating five icecubes (!)worth of food. Then, I remember why we are doing this and I'm all good. Ollie definitely has days where he isn't interested at all, sometimes due to crappy timing. Dinner seems to be his best meal, as I'm a bit disorganised at lunch, or we are out and he is very distracted.
I'm thinking about starting to do breakfast too, and really embrace Ollie eating with me at every meal. We'll see how it goes...
In February 2011, we started our (nearly) six month old son on "solid" food. Rather than going down the Plunket route of food out of a Watties jar, we opted for a baby led approach. Assisted by a university study, we set out on our baby led journey!
cheese on toast,
cream cheese,
green beans,
pork steak,
Saturday 26th March 2011
We had a strange day today!
Lunch was steamed veges, pate on rusks, and a wee bit of my fish (Scone and I had fish and chips!). Still not a fan of the fish. Straight into the pate though! Kumara was a bit firm, but he had a good go along with a good munch on the capsicum. Didn't eat that much, (other than pate) but it was pretty exciting having Aunty Scone with us.
Dinner was supposed to be dahl, but David had some kind of disaster in the kitchen. I'm going to try and revive the dahl as soup tonight. So we ended up having pasta and steamed vege! What a boring dinner! Broccoli got mushed, and nothing really eaten! He didn't eat any pasta, despite loving it the last few times. He did munch on the red capsicum but nothing went down I don't think. Too busy looking at his pretty Aunty Scone I think.
Lunch was steamed veges, pate on rusks, and a wee bit of my fish (Scone and I had fish and chips!). Still not a fan of the fish. Straight into the pate though! Kumara was a bit firm, but he had a good go along with a good munch on the capsicum. Didn't eat that much, (other than pate) but it was pretty exciting having Aunty Scone with us.
Dinner was supposed to be dahl, but David had some kind of disaster in the kitchen. I'm going to try and revive the dahl as soup tonight. So we ended up having pasta and steamed vege! What a boring dinner! Broccoli got mushed, and nothing really eaten! He didn't eat any pasta, despite loving it the last few times. He did munch on the red capsicum but nothing went down I don't think. Too busy looking at his pretty Aunty Scone I think.
Friday 25th March 2011
Hmm I seem to have lost Thursday! Whoops!
Well today we had eggy bread for lunch at a cafe with our music group. Ollie was as usual distracted by the cafe environment but did seem to eat some!
Dinner was steamed veges and FISH FINGERS! Ollie was not a fan of the fish. He peeled the crust off, ate some of that and consistently threw the fish overboard! (hehe!). We'll try it again some time. He did have a good munch of the veges though.
Well today we had eggy bread for lunch at a cafe with our music group. Ollie was as usual distracted by the cafe environment but did seem to eat some!
Dinner was steamed veges and FISH FINGERS! Ollie was not a fan of the fish. He peeled the crust off, ate some of that and consistently threw the fish overboard! (hehe!). We'll try it again some time. He did have a good munch of the veges though.
Wednesday 23rd March 2011
No lunch!
Dinner.. stirfry! I wasn't my organised alter ego today so didn't have dinner ready to eat! This stirfry was yummy for us... but a bit too crunchy for Ollie - didn't let it cook for long enough. I think I'll try steaming his stirfry pieces while ours is in the wok - that way we can have crunchy and he can have squishable!
Dinner.. stirfry! I wasn't my organised alter ego today so didn't have dinner ready to eat! This stirfry was yummy for us... but a bit too crunchy for Ollie - didn't let it cook for long enough. I think I'll try steaming his stirfry pieces while ours is in the wok - that way we can have crunchy and he can have squishable!
green beans,
sour cream,
sweet chilli sauce
Tuesday 22nd March
Supposed to have lunch with a friend in town today, but I got my days mixed up and didn't go! Whoops! Cheese on toast, nectarine and cucumber for lunch today. I think Ollie has really sore teeth today and he was getting pretty grumpy at his food! He really seemed to enjoy sucking on the nectarine, which was the first time he has shown an interest I think. It was a bit firm, so I didn't really expect him to eat it. I think some toast was consumed! His drink bottle is definitely his favourite thing, and he ignores food if that is on his tray. I usually wait for him to throw it overboard and then leave it there. He seems to enjoy rubbing it on his teeth.
Dinner was meatloaf (recipe from the baby led weaning book) and steamed broccoli, and corn on the cob! Ollie not really into dinner at all tonight, don't think he ate anything - spent all of dinnertime throwing food and laughing. Oh well, David loved the meatloaf!
Dinner was meatloaf (recipe from the baby led weaning book) and steamed broccoli, and corn on the cob! Ollie not really into dinner at all tonight, don't think he ate anything - spent all of dinnertime throwing food and laughing. Oh well, David loved the meatloaf!
cheese on toast,
corn on the cob,
Monday 21st March
Pasta with cream cheese for lunch today, along with cucumber wedges cold from the fridge. Cucumber was a hit! Not sure he bit any off, but he really enjoyed sucking on it. I think he has pretty sore teeth!
Dinner was pork steak with steamed cauli, kumara, and capsicum. He had a good go at the pork, and showed the most interest in the capsicum than he ever has - chewing on it for a while. Kumara was a bit over cooked, so very mushy and just got mashed around. He is still biting off huge chunks, like tonight with the pork, and he doesn't have the molars to grind it up in his mouth!
Dinner was pork steak with steamed cauli, kumara, and capsicum. He had a good go at the pork, and showed the most interest in the capsicum than he ever has - chewing on it for a while. Kumara was a bit over cooked, so very mushy and just got mashed around. He is still biting off huge chunks, like tonight with the pork, and he doesn't have the molars to grind it up in his mouth!
sunday 20th March
Another busy day today! We didn't get to bed til 2am after traveling back from Martinborough! So another slow morning! Ollie was obviously feeling the effects as he let us sleep in! We had a BBQ at a friends for lunch which we didn't make in time for food, and then dinner at our (Davids) parents. Yummy roast turkey! Ollie proved once again that he doesn't like pumpkin or red kumara (which tastes like pumpkin!) Preferring the turkey, or the white kumara. He didn't eat a huge amount and gagged on a piece of turkey that was rather too large! We seem to have an issue with Ollie biting off HUGE chunks and then gagging. I guess he'll learn, as we can't really stop him! Ollie was pretty distracted by the different enviroment but I'm trying to get him used to different enviroments so he doesn't have trouble eating when we are out. And of course it is nice for Ollie to eat with his grandparents!
Saturday 19th March
We had a wedding in Martinborough today (was awesome) but a lazy start to the day meant we were rather rushed for time! I'd hoped to prepare a decent lunchbox for Ollie as I knew the wedding dinner wouldn't be suitable. Well, that didn't happen! I took cream cheese, some rusks, banana, and apricot. We had lunch in the car while Ollie was zonked out, and by the time dinnertime arrived, he was a bit over it. He did enjoy the teething rusks - so I will give him those again, but he just sucked on them - too hard for him to munch. He enjoyed the cream cheese off the rusks, and had a wee go at his banana. Apricot just got flung around. We didn't take a mat to put under him and while they did provide a highchair, I was conscious of spreading food into the carpet! He was the only baby there (bar the bride&groom's five week old!)
So, I'm looking for ideas of stuff I can throw together quickly when I'm disorganised! Oh to be super organised all the time. I'm also looking for some kind of suction cup plate (not bowl) that can sit on the table and he can reach but not pull off... maybe I'll just get a plastic bowl that can't hurt him when he inevitably smacks himself on the head...
So, I'm looking for ideas of stuff I can throw together quickly when I'm disorganised! Oh to be super organised all the time. I'm also looking for some kind of suction cup plate (not bowl) that can sit on the table and he can reach but not pull off... maybe I'll just get a plastic bowl that can't hurt him when he inevitably smacks himself on the head...
Friday 18th March
Lunch was on the go - Ollie had a bit of my bagel with cream cheese on it. He really enjoyed chewing and sucking on the bagel, but I think bagels have a fair amount of salt, so probably not a regular food!
David was out for dinner, so Ollie and I had polenta with steamed broccoli and kumara. I didn't grill the polenta slices long enough so they fell apart and Ollie had trouble holding them. Made them with chicken stock I made myself and bought stuff has too much salt. It was pretty bland, I added salt and pepper to mine! Ollie not really into it -more interested in his water bottle!
David was out for dinner, so Ollie and I had polenta with steamed broccoli and kumara. I didn't grill the polenta slices long enough so they fell apart and Ollie had trouble holding them. Made them with chicken stock I made myself and bought stuff has too much salt. It was pretty bland, I added salt and pepper to mine! Ollie not really into it -more interested in his water bottle!
Thursday 17th March
Lunch... banana, pear, and cheese on toast. Ollie still not really interested in pear... I might stew some up. Really good munch on the banana today. I left half the skin on, and he knew which end to pick it up straightaway. Still got very slippery.. mainly I think to the drool coming out his mouth and getting everywere!
Dinner... Chickpea patties, steamed broccolli, and kumara. Woohoo pattie success! I was starting to think Ollie was anti food in the shape of patties (after no interest in chickpea, lamb, or beef patties!).
We've realised it takes Ollie a bit longer to get into the meal, and often we are nearly done before anything makes it to his mouth. I think I'll try putting him in his highchair a bit earlier so he can understand what is happening.
Also - sippy cup success! He can drink out of it all by himself. Of course, he often spits it out straight after, but still!?!
No poop for a few days, I'm worried about potential explosion....
Dinner... Chickpea patties, steamed broccolli, and kumara. Woohoo pattie success! I was starting to think Ollie was anti food in the shape of patties (after no interest in chickpea, lamb, or beef patties!).
We've realised it takes Ollie a bit longer to get into the meal, and often we are nearly done before anything makes it to his mouth. I think I'll try putting him in his highchair a bit earlier so he can understand what is happening.
Also - sippy cup success! He can drink out of it all by himself. Of course, he often spits it out straight after, but still!?!
No poop for a few days, I'm worried about potential explosion....
cheese on toast,
chickpea patties,
Wednesday 16th March
Lunch... carrot muffin, pate on toast, banana. Ollie still loves pate! He seemed to eat a good chunk today, yet it was different to last time he had it. Before it seemed almost an accident if he swallowed some, but today he was purposefully moving it around his mouth and swallowing!. Banana seemed quite slippery for him today, it was a bit green still I think.
Dinner.. random chicken casserole that I threw together very quickly... with chicken, apricot, broccoli, cauliflower and carrot. Ollie not so into it - had a munch on some carrot and broccoli but only after I pointed them out. (Which I try not to do in the spirit of not intervening...) Until then, he just blew raspberries at David and giggled. hah! Totally ignored the chicken, though I have to admit, far from my best work!
Dinner.. random chicken casserole that I threw together very quickly... with chicken, apricot, broccoli, cauliflower and carrot. Ollie not so into it - had a munch on some carrot and broccoli but only after I pointed them out. (Which I try not to do in the spirit of not intervening...) Until then, he just blew raspberries at David and giggled. hah! Totally ignored the chicken, though I have to admit, far from my best work!
french toast,
Tuesday 15th March
Lunch... banana, carrot muffin in town... Ollie was a bit distracted - given we were sitting on Lambton Quay - but he had a really good go at the muffin! ( I had sushi....)
Dinner... Stirfry! Ollie ate more courgette than he has ever! And did find the meat eventually. He has taken to eating his broccoli stalk end first... (then I realised that is how I eat it....) And of course carrot is always a winner. I don't think Ollie ate too much tonight, because he was having too much fun playing with... noodles! David and I often have noodles in our stirfry so tonight we gave Ollie some. He had a ball! (and a few noodles made their way into his mouth - miraculously!) He spent a lot of time holding a handful of long noodles up and swinging them. Rather messy, but oh so fun!
Dinner... Stirfry! Ollie ate more courgette than he has ever! And did find the meat eventually. He has taken to eating his broccoli stalk end first... (then I realised that is how I eat it....) And of course carrot is always a winner. I don't think Ollie ate too much tonight, because he was having too much fun playing with... noodles! David and I often have noodles in our stirfry so tonight we gave Ollie some. He had a ball! (and a few noodles made their way into his mouth - miraculously!) He spent a lot of time holding a handful of long noodles up and swinging them. Rather messy, but oh so fun!
beef steak,
carrot -raw,
carrot muffin,
Monday 14th March
Lunch was last night's roast dinner! Chicken and roast veges. Ollie wasn't really interested in the chicken at all, but really enjoyed the kumara - munching and swallowing quite a bit! It was amazing to watch him move the food around his mouth and then intentionally swallow it. Pretty cool!
Dinner was pork steak with steamed green beans and broccoli, and mashed potato. Ollie wasn't too interested, but he had a really good go at the pork - actually biting chunks off, chewing and swallowing. Definitely a meat eater, our boy.
We are still having the problem of Ollie throwing himself backwards during food time, which is unsafe, and can cause him to gag. I'm not sure how to solve the problem!
Timing is also a challenge, though I think this is probably less of a BabyLed issue, and more about introducing food of any kind. It is definitely harder when David is home (hopefully he doesn't get offended by that... though I don't thinks he even reads this... or anyone for that matter) because during the week, Ollie and I have a different rhythm.
Dinner was pork steak with steamed green beans and broccoli, and mashed potato. Ollie wasn't too interested, but he had a really good go at the pork - actually biting chunks off, chewing and swallowing. Definitely a meat eater, our boy.
We are still having the problem of Ollie throwing himself backwards during food time, which is unsafe, and can cause him to gag. I'm not sure how to solve the problem!
Timing is also a challenge, though I think this is probably less of a BabyLed issue, and more about introducing food of any kind. It is definitely harder when David is home (hopefully he doesn't get offended by that... though I don't thinks he even reads this... or anyone for that matter) because during the week, Ollie and I have a different rhythm.
green beans,
mashed potatoes,
pork steak,
roast chicken,
roast potato
Saturday & Sunday 12th & 13th March..
Two days of no food for Ollie. I feel really crap about it, but the weekend just turned to custard. I rushed David to A&E on Saturday morning and we spent all day, until well after dinner time at the hospital. We didn't eat - so neither did Ollie!
Sunday was just a mess... bad timing for lunch after lunch, and then our roast dinner didn't cook because the oven kept turning itself off! In the end Ollie was just too tired.
Now that he is actually eating, he will be starting to get calories etc from food, so we need to make sure we offer it everyday! It has taught me that we need to make sure we have some quick food ready if our plans turn to mush.
Sunday was just a mess... bad timing for lunch after lunch, and then our roast dinner didn't cook because the oven kept turning itself off! In the end Ollie was just too tired.
Now that he is actually eating, he will be starting to get calories etc from food, so we need to make sure we offer it everyday! It has taught me that we need to make sure we have some quick food ready if our plans turn to mush.
Friday 11th March
We had lunch today at a cafe, so quite distracting for Ollie. Carrot muffin and half banana. Didn't eat much but showed off his banana holding skills... and his throw-carrot-muffin everywhere skills!
Dinner was macaroni cheese! Ollie had some, but also some plain pasta so he didn't have too much cheese. He loved it! Took huge mouthfuls of pasta even!
Dinner was macaroni cheese! Ollie had some, but also some plain pasta so he didn't have too much cheese. He loved it! Took huge mouthfuls of pasta even!
Thursday 10th March
Great food day today!! Another beautiful day in Wellington - I'm not looking forward to winter! We had lunch again in the park today with a different coffee group. Ollie had banana and baby corn, and ate a wee bit - had quite a good meal considering there were four other babies and mummies there.
Dinner was a bit random, we thought we were having dinner with a friend but sadly that fell through so we just threw something together. Pasta, steamed kumara, broccoli, capscium, and a carrot muffin! I made the muffins today (sugar free of course) from the Baby Led Weaning cookbook. I definitely recommend the cookbook - great for getting baby led ideas! I think tonight was our most successful dinner yet! Ollie had a really good go at everything! He loved it all! He took a HUGE bite of his muffin and definitely chowed down some kumara. And the pasta was a total hit. I used a mix of small and large spiral pasta (cold) so it kind of clumped together. He had no trouble picking up handfuls! His finger skills have come so far!
We also had an interesting nappy today.... *warning poop conversation follows*
We are definitely consuming food now... today's nappy confirmed Ollie can eat quite a lot! It had been a couple of days since his last nappy and I was dreading it! There was a lot of it - all kinds of chunks, plus some obviously digested food! I think the banana may have blocked him up a bit, but he didn't seem to have too much trouble! I saw definite bit of meat, baby corn, and banana! Go Ollie!
I also have to confess to googling the interesting sight in his nappy which turned out to be related to banana...... *blurgh*
Dinner was a bit random, we thought we were having dinner with a friend but sadly that fell through so we just threw something together. Pasta, steamed kumara, broccoli, capscium, and a carrot muffin! I made the muffins today (sugar free of course) from the Baby Led Weaning cookbook. I definitely recommend the cookbook - great for getting baby led ideas! I think tonight was our most successful dinner yet! Ollie had a really good go at everything! He loved it all! He took a HUGE bite of his muffin and definitely chowed down some kumara. And the pasta was a total hit. I used a mix of small and large spiral pasta (cold) so it kind of clumped together. He had no trouble picking up handfuls! His finger skills have come so far!
We also had an interesting nappy today.... *warning poop conversation follows*
We are definitely consuming food now... today's nappy confirmed Ollie can eat quite a lot! It had been a couple of days since his last nappy and I was dreading it! There was a lot of it - all kinds of chunks, plus some obviously digested food! I think the banana may have blocked him up a bit, but he didn't seem to have too much trouble! I saw definite bit of meat, baby corn, and banana! Go Ollie!
I also have to confess to googling the interesting sight in his nappy which turned out to be related to banana...... *blurgh*
Wednesday 9th March
Lunch was at the park today with our coffee group. It was a bit distracting for Ollie, but he did have a munch on his baby corn, and a wee bit on his banana. He is getting better with his sippy cup, (which I only introduced yesterday!) though I'm not sure he is too keen on water just yet! He always looks a bit surprised when it comes out! Ollie had a wee gag while we at the park, and it was interesting watching a couple of people's faces! Nothing like the almost-scary gags we get at home!
Dinner was beef casserole cooked in the crockpot with steamed green beans. Ollie was pretty tired, but still had a good chew on his beef and also the broccoli! He has taken to chewing the stalk end of broccoli, which is strange given he used to always suck on the floret bit. He got a bit screamy in his highchair tonight, but I think that was a combination of tired/teeth because he did get back to his eating....
Dinner was beef casserole cooked in the crockpot with steamed green beans. Ollie was pretty tired, but still had a good chew on his beef and also the broccoli! He has taken to chewing the stalk end of broccoli, which is strange given he used to always suck on the floret bit. He got a bit screamy in his highchair tonight, but I think that was a combination of tired/teeth because he did get back to his eating....
baby corn,
beef casserole,
beef steak,
green beans,
Tuesday 8th March
Despite the teething monster still visiting, we had a really good day BLW-wise toda!
Lunch - bean salad, cucumber... and I can't remember what else! He really got into the cucumber, more than he ever has. I think it was because it was really cold - straight from the fridge.
Dinner - Stirfry.David and my favourite dinner, and it seems Ollie's too! First time we'd tried baby corn - and it was a hit!
Lunch - bean salad, cucumber... and I can't remember what else! He really got into the cucumber, more than he ever has. I think it was because it was really cold - straight from the fridge.
Dinner - Stirfry.David and my favourite dinner, and it seems Ollie's too! First time we'd tried baby corn - and it was a hit!
baby corn,
beef steak,
carrot -raw,
Monday 7th March
We officially have a teethy grumpy monster in our house!
Lunch - raw carrot, pate, nectarine. He sucked the pate of the carrot, and seemed to really enjoy it, but that was about it - we didn't even get to the pear and cucumber!
Dinner - spicy lamb patties, steamed broccoli and carrot. Ollie had a good go at the broccoli, but wasn't too interested in the pattie! Disappointing! It was really good to see him pick up a smallish bit of broccoli - with no stalk and put that in his mouth though. He couldn't have done that two weeks ago. The patties were from the Baby Led Weaning Cookbook, which has some great recipe ideas in it.
We've had a rough few days, I think mainly due to Ollie's teeth and our lack of good timing. It seems he has almost regressed in his interest in food, but I think that is partly the "harder" foods we are giving. I will make sure we have at least one easy finger food every meal, but also add on an interesting new part too.
*repeat to myself - it is not about how much he eats. It is fine if he isn't too interested some days*
Lunch - raw carrot, pate, nectarine. He sucked the pate of the carrot, and seemed to really enjoy it, but that was about it - we didn't even get to the pear and cucumber!
Dinner - spicy lamb patties, steamed broccoli and carrot. Ollie had a good go at the broccoli, but wasn't too interested in the pattie! Disappointing! It was really good to see him pick up a smallish bit of broccoli - with no stalk and put that in his mouth though. He couldn't have done that two weeks ago. The patties were from the Baby Led Weaning Cookbook, which has some great recipe ideas in it.
We've had a rough few days, I think mainly due to Ollie's teeth and our lack of good timing. It seems he has almost regressed in his interest in food, but I think that is partly the "harder" foods we are giving. I will make sure we have at least one easy finger food every meal, but also add on an interesting new part too.
*repeat to myself - it is not about how much he eats. It is fine if he isn't too interested some days*
carrot -raw,
spicy lamb patties
Sunday 6th March
For lunch today, we were out at family's house. Ollie was still sleeping when everyone else ate, which was a pity - I think he would have really enjoyed eating with everyone. Ollie and I had some food when he woke up, and he had a wee munch, but was too distracted! Peas, roast pork, roast chicken, kumara, pumpkin, and potato.
We were also home a bit late for dinner, we had beef patties, mash pot, steamed cauli. Ollie wasn't hugely interested in eating, but did play with it a bit.
beef patties,
mashed potatoes,
roast chicken,
roast pork,
roast potato
Saturday 5th March
Another crappy day! No lunch – timing all wrong, Ollie got tired. I was out a lot of the day and David isn't used to giving him food during the day. He did have really good milk feeds though as he had to wait longer than usual. Dinner also went pearshaped with bad timing, we were still cooking and Ollie was very tired, so we put him to bed! Tomorrow is a new day!
Friday 4th March
Argh what a day!
Lunch timing all crap – out and I forgot his lunchbox. I got a chicken salad for lunch thinking he could share, but pieces too small. He did play with wome lettuce
Dinner – toast two ways. Pizza toast and French toast. Ollie played with his food, but didn’t eat. I was solo parenting as David was out!
Day Thirteen - Thurday 3rd March 2011
Things are going really well with our new approach. Ollie has lunch with me every day, and dinner with daddy and mummy. Sometimes he eats nothing, sometimes he eats a little. Depends on the food and his mood.
Lunch today was pate on toast (mummy gag! smelt like catfood!). Ollie LOVED the pate! Photographic evidence:
We also had pear and avocado (mummy had crackers and cream cheese too!) but they didn't get a look in! Ollie was really chewing the toast, and sucking off the pate! He got quite excited (as you can tell by the amount of pate on his face). A fair bit of gagging, but he easily dealt with it, and straight back to eating. He did briefly suck on the avocado (when the toast was all gone) but no real interest.
Dinner! Chickpea (& Butterbean 'cause I opened the wrong can!) Patties and steamed cauliflower. Mummy and Daddy thought they were yum, but Ollie was tired so didn't really give anything a go. We were running late home so dinner was half an hour later than it should have been!
Whoop - finally up to date in publishing all of these!
Lunch today was pate on toast (mummy gag! smelt like catfood!). Ollie LOVED the pate! Photographic evidence:
We also had pear and avocado (mummy had crackers and cream cheese too!) but they didn't get a look in! Ollie was really chewing the toast, and sucking off the pate! He got quite excited (as you can tell by the amount of pate on his face). A fair bit of gagging, but he easily dealt with it, and straight back to eating. He did briefly suck on the avocado (when the toast was all gone) but no real interest.
Dinner! Chickpea (& Butterbean 'cause I opened the wrong can!) Patties and steamed cauliflower. Mummy and Daddy thought they were yum, but Ollie was tired so didn't really give anything a go. We were running late home so dinner was half an hour later than it should have been!
Whoop - finally up to date in publishing all of these!
Day Twelve - Wed 2nd March
Lunch: Leftover steak, carrot and brocolli. He again enjoyed his steak, but also got into the carrot, brocolli, and courgette today. Chewing on it all! He especially like the broccoli today, biting off a huge hunk and chewing around his mouth for aaages! Also the carrot, he was actually biting off huge chunks and chewing them around his mouth! (I'll be looking out for carrot in upcoming nappies.....!)
Dinner: We are getting more adventurous.... I have Guides on a Wednesday night, so in order for Ollie to have dinner with us, I need to be super organised. Today I made a green curry casserole in the crockpot. Beef steak, green curry paste, coconut milk, tomatoes, tomato puree, courgette, broccoli, carrot... and capsicum. I think thats it! Made in a bit of a hurry as Ollie decided he was STARVING and needed a feed as I was in the middle of it. Ollie seemed to really like it, and had a go at all of it. By the end of the meal, he was covered in curry sauce! Straight into the shower after dinner!
Such a successful day!
![]() |
it doesn't all quite fit in my mouth... |
Dinner: We are getting more adventurous.... I have Guides on a Wednesday night, so in order for Ollie to have dinner with us, I need to be super organised. Today I made a green curry casserole in the crockpot. Beef steak, green curry paste, coconut milk, tomatoes, tomato puree, courgette, broccoli, carrot... and capsicum. I think thats it! Made in a bit of a hurry as Ollie decided he was STARVING and needed a feed as I was in the middle of it. Ollie seemed to really like it, and had a go at all of it. By the end of the meal, he was covered in curry sauce! Straight into the shower after dinner!
Such a successful day!
beef steak,
coconut milk,
green curry paste,
Day Eleven - Tuesday 1st March
Lunch: Banana and Pear. Ollie didn't really ingest anything much today, but I was so impressed with how his food handling skills have improved! A week or so ago, he couldn't hold onto banana and eat it, even in the skin. It got too slippery, or the unpeeled end fell off. Similar with pear - very slippery! Today, he picked up his banana and put in in his mouth! We are also starting to see more chewing action, as well as the sucking! He also picked up his pear and sucked on that quite competently! It is amazing, in less than two weeks, just how much more capable he is.
Dinner: STEAK! With steamed broccoli, courgette, and carrot. I thought he did well with the beef strips in the stirfry last night, but wow did he enjoy the steak! We cooked a mini size beef steak to well done, and then cut into Ollie size strips! He really got into it - almost attacking it. Ripping it up, chewing it around his mouth, and sucking out the juices. The poor veges weren't getting a look in!
Dinner: STEAK! With steamed broccoli, courgette, and carrot. I thought he did well with the beef strips in the stirfry last night, but wow did he enjoy the steak! We cooked a mini size beef steak to well done, and then cut into Ollie size strips! He really got into it - almost attacking it. Ripping it up, chewing it around his mouth, and sucking out the juices. The poor veges weren't getting a look in!
beef steak,
Day Ten - Monday 28th February 2011
So I've been reading the "Baby Led Weaning" book by Gill Rapley - and the approach is quite different to the one proposed by the study we're participating. The book suggests including baby in family life from the get go, and including them in every meal. So on that note, we've changed Ollie's bedtime routine, and our dinner time to include him at dinner!
For lunch we had broccoli, kumara, pear, nectarine, cooked carrot, and raw carrot with hummus. The carrot was a good dipping tool, but he wasn't keen on the hummus! I wish I'd captured his face!
At dinner, we had our usual meal of stirfry (will have to vary things up a bit now that Ollie is joining us). Ollie had broccoli, carrot, and strips of beef. He loved being at the dinner table with us, and LOVED the beef! He really got into it, and didn't really given anything else a second chance!
Whoops a bit behind in posting these!
For lunch we had broccoli, kumara, pear, nectarine, cooked carrot, and raw carrot with hummus. The carrot was a good dipping tool, but he wasn't keen on the hummus! I wish I'd captured his face!
At dinner, we had our usual meal of stirfry (will have to vary things up a bit now that Ollie is joining us). Ollie had broccoli, carrot, and strips of beef. He loved being at the dinner table with us, and LOVED the beef! He really got into it, and didn't really given anything else a second chance!
Whoops a bit behind in posting these!
beef steak,
carrot -raw,
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