Saturday 19th March

We had a wedding in Martinborough today (was awesome) but a lazy start to the day meant we were rather rushed for time! I'd hoped to prepare a decent lunchbox for Ollie as I knew the wedding dinner wouldn't be suitable. Well, that didn't happen! I took cream cheese, some rusks, banana, and apricot. We had lunch in the car while Ollie was zonked out, and by the time dinnertime arrived, he was a bit over it. He did enjoy the teething rusks - so I will give him those again, but he just sucked on them - too hard for him to munch. He enjoyed the cream cheese off the rusks, and had a wee go at his banana. Apricot just got flung around. We didn't take a mat to put under him and while they did provide a highchair, I was conscious of spreading food into the carpet! He was the only baby there (bar the bride&groom's five week old!)

So, I'm looking for ideas of stuff I can throw together quickly when I'm disorganised! Oh to be super organised all the time. I'm also looking for some kind of suction cup plate (not bowl) that can sit on the table and he can reach but not pull off... maybe I'll just get a plastic bowl that can't hurt him when he inevitably smacks himself on the head...

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