Day Ten - Monday 28th February 2011

So I've been reading the "Baby Led Weaning" book by Gill Rapley - and the approach is quite different to the one proposed by the study we're participating. The book suggests including baby in family life from the get go, and including them in every meal. So on that note, we've changed Ollie's bedtime routine, and our dinner time to include him at dinner!

For lunch we had broccoli, kumara, pear, nectarine, cooked carrot, and raw carrot with hummus. The carrot was a good dipping tool, but he wasn't keen on the hummus! I wish I'd captured his face!
 At dinner, we had our usual meal of stirfry (will have to vary things up a bit now that Ollie is joining us). Ollie had broccoli, carrot, and strips of beef. He loved being at the dinner table with us, and LOVED the beef! He really got into it, and didn't really given anything else a second chance!

Whoops a bit behind in posting these!

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