We did intend to start breakfast today with Ollie, but that extra 15mins in bed, listening to Ollie chatter to himeself meant it didn't quite happen. Was worth it though! And we went swimming, which was awesome!
The pesky bottom tooth is still working its way through, it doesn't appear to be of any use yet, but is causing our wee boy lots of pain!
Lunch - Blackcurrant mini wheats with a splash of rice milk, carrot muffin, and banana. Was really surprised how well he dealt with the mini wheats! And he hadn't had a carrot muffin for a while (they tend to be messy) and he handled the small pieces really well - and chewed much better than he used to! Impressed. Banana.. well he was a bit over it by that point, but it was fun to throw around!
Dinner... supposed to be meatloaf.. but our timing was out! Saves cooking tomorrow night I guess! So, we ended up with pasta, broccoli, capscium, and carrot. Ollie was on form, depsite being really tired. Had a good go at everything. He bites off chunks of everything, and mulls them around his mouth for a while. Some go down, but most go out!
Stop reading now if you don't want to read about poop. Today's nappy showed that we are definitely eating and "processing"more we are getting changes... and of course still lumps of non-processed food. No longer just breastmilk poop that is for sure!
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