Tuesday 26th April 2011

Today was Ollie's first day at daycare (*sob*).

Breakfast was porridge, which Ollie ate a bit of, but did have straight after his milk feed.

Lunch was at daycare.. and I forgot what it was, but involved cauliflower and rice. Apparently Ollie did well (and made a mess if his pants are any indicator) and ate about a third of his portion! Which would  be some kind of amazing if the portion size was similar to the day I went. Maybe the teacher was including the floor sacrifice in his eaten? I was so happy to see him, I wasn't too worried about food.

Ollie also had afternoon tea for the first time ever! The teacher said he was a bit grizzly so she thought he might be hungry so she gave him a cruskit and something (the proper afternoon tea wasn't ready yet).

Dinner was a bit of a rush.. we had Fish and Chips. Ollie had some fish and some chips, and a banana biscotti! He was so cute, laughing and smiling. At the end of the meal, we skyped Nelson grandma .

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